Floating Hotel

Welcome to the Grand Abeona Hotel: home of the finest food, the sweetest service, and the very best views the galaxy has to offer. All year round it moves from planet to planet, system to system, pampering guests across the furthest reaches of the milky way. The last word in sub-orbital luxury – and an absolute magnet for intrigue. Intrigues such as:

Why are there love poems in the lobby in-tray? 

How many Imperial spies are currently on board?

What is the true purpose of the Problem Solver’s conference?

And perhaps most pertinently – who is driving the ship?

Each guest has a secret, every member of staff a universe unto themselves. At the centre of these interweaving lives and interlocking mysteries stands Carl, one-time stowaway, long-time manager, devoted caretaker to the hotel. It’s the love of his life and the only place he’s ever called home. But as forces beyond Carl’s comprehension converge on the Abeona, he has to face one final question: when is it time to let go?

Grace Curtis has written on video games for magazines like Eurogamer and Edge, and she has a wonderful day job at an indie game publisher called Future Friends. When not writing she can usually be found up a hill somewhere, climbing or hiking or lolling idly in the grass. Her first book, FRONTIER, was published in spring 2023 (Hodderscape/UK, Solaris/US). Grace is represented by Zoe Plant at The Bent Agency.
