The Girl Upstairs is a spine-tingling psychological thriller of grief and obsession, by debut novelist Georgina Lees. It explores the loneliness of London life with two compelling central female characters, and how sometimes it’s our neighbours that know us best of all…
I heard Emily before I saw her. The harsh smack of heels against cheap wooden floorboards. The loud phone calls. The incessant music.
I knew Emily before I met her. Discarded receipts in our communal hallway. Sticky leftovers in the shared food waste bin. Wine shop vouchers in the letterbox.
Now she’s gone missing, and I’m the only one who can find her. The only one who can save her.
Because I know her best, and I heard everything.
Georgina has been writing since she was little, from scrawling ideas in notepads, to tapping away on keyboards. She studied creative writing and film and has since pursued videogames journalism, writing about some of the most popular games in the world. Georgina draws inspiration from her surroundings from the congested London streets to the raw English countryside. She can be found playing games, writing books, and reading something that makes her equally parts terrified and emotional.